Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Sunny Day

It was a cold but pleasant day, once I got up. 

The snow is starting to melt into ice as the temperature rises and this afternoon we went out to clean off Mary's Car so she can drive out and run errands during the remainder of the week. It was a little bit of effort and exertion which was wonderful.  I wore my new LL Bean wool pullover hat which kept my bald head very nice and warm.

We ran the car out into the road so we would have tire tracks to come back to whenever we decide to go out over the next few days.

I'm feeling pretty good, my blood sugars are a little raised and it looks like I have to get back to the old diet, but it's a bit difficult when I can't get outside and exercise.  But I'll be able to do that in the spring; which is something I look forward to.

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