Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Port for any Storm

Ports are a great idea.  Avoid all those sticks which we all hate and lessen the pain.

I had one put in just the other day: it's under the skin and I can feel where it is (mine is double barreled ) and up close to my neck I can feel the catheter that runs up from the port also just under the skin until it goes inside into a vein that goes down to my heart.

It still causes some pain in late evening.

When I think about it I start to ask myself how I was ever convinced that this was a good thing?

I had to get poked twice to get this and when I add up the pokes on the one side and the fact that this thing had to be surgically implanted in me I wonder if I made the right choice.

All the medical staff say it's such a good thing and I'm thinking, but was it for me?

Decide in haste, repent at leisure.  And I am definitely at leisure now.

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