Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hair and Other Inconveniences

I still have a considerable amount of hair on my head, considering that a lot came out in my comb last night.  The question is how do I efficaciously remove the rest so that it does not become a problem.  Like that hair I noticed on my plate at lunch.

I have considered taking a clippers to my hair (yes, that's how I trim my beard) and perhaps shaving the rest. But that sounds complex, and I'm not sure I'd like the result.  I haven't quite gotten to the point where I would consider shaving my head.

Although I may get there soon.

Several days ago, since it was haircut time again, Mary made an appointment with our hair guy and I will get a haircut on Monday.  I'm going to see if I can just get it clipped down to the nub. 

Kind of like basic training.

At least if it falls out then I won't notice it after it lands on my plate.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Phil, do you know if you will lose your beard or not?
You might want to start trimming it closer so it isn't too hard for you to lose also.
