Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A little late, but better late than never...

I wasn't sick this morning, although I was stuffed after overeating the day before.  It's nice to wake up feeling well - and that feeling in the tummy that it doesn't want to puke.   I didn't get around to taking Zophran until mid afternoon.  A bit after my walk. A nice long walk in the fresh air.

Today was one week after my infusion; and that's why I felt better.  Now only two weeks to go until I feel wretched again.  But until then I will bask in the after glow of normalcy that comes from having most of my symptoms recede into the background.

As I ask myself why I must focus with such exclusivity on my intestinal system and the proper processing thereof I realize that this is the also first day of constipation following my infusion.

Constipation should have been here Monday, why did it wait until Wednesday?

Well, better late than never; and I have taken a number of those magnesium oxide pills, so the problem won't last past tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Hi PJ,

I, too read your blog on a daily basis. Good to hear you are feeling mostly normal again! (But who among us is ever normal!)!



Anonymous said...

Constipation showed up 2 days late and you're complaining?!?!?!??!


Kim P.

PJ said...

I complain about so many things; but then there are so many opportunities for complaint.