My blood sugars are slowly coming down as in 172 this morning instead of the usual 200 or so. I was down to 121 last night and decided that I should eat something in the late evening to avoid a potentially low blood sugar overnight.
Now that I'm on a new diabetes drug that gets me to produce more insulin, I need to be careful not to take too much metformin. I want the blood sugars to come down slowly so I don't over shoot on the down side. Especially late at night when I might not be able to cope so well.
I spent the day working but had time to get out for a walk and went back to the dumbbells frequently. I've been eating healthy food but also food that has a high level of carbohydrates. When I saw my blood sugars spike to 285 I brought it down by going for a long walk and using the dumbbells.
I'm trying to decide when to go back to the fats and proteins. I haven't felt like having eggs for breakfast; but I like them for lunch.
Since I've started on glimepiride I don't get the same cravings and I am loosing the sense of lassitude that I had; I also feel stronger.
Hi Phil,
Dropping by to say hi.
Pooped. Friday night. Sick during the week.
Glad it was a good day for you. You might want to look up Pete Egoscue books. He's got some Yoga based exercises that are easy to do at home and can be as hard or easy as you want to make them. His thing is helping people in pain. He believes most muscle/joint pain is from posture misalignment -- but the exercises are good for strengthening the small muscles. I should have done his routines BEFORE I started exercising -- but I wouldn't have believed I needed them at the time. Now I KNOW I do. They've been a great help in furthering my fitness and my improving my performance with weights and cardio
Kim P
Hi Kim,
Thanks for dropping by. I always like to hear from you. That looks like a good book on Yoga, I'll do some web surfing to see what it's about. I don't know what discipline I have right now. I try to do a few lower back Yoga exercises - when I remember to do them. I usually remember when something hurts.
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