Sunday, February 7, 2010

BS stands for Blood Sugars

My blood sugars have been high in the AM for the last few days. 

I've had figures of 195; 214 and 215.  A little disturbing because I have not been on prednisone for a couple of weeks.  I expected the numbers to come down.

I will be back on the drug in a few days and I wonder what it will spike my sugars to then.  Of course I am well armed with metformin so unless I get badly nauseated I will be able to ward off the exceptionally high numbers.

I am sticking to a protein/fat diet most of the time which normally controls my numbers. 

Not now:  I took a couple of metformin with breakfast and that brought my numbers down to 134 later in the day but it is not what I would like.  My prescription is for one a day and I want to save the metformin for the period when I am on prednisone.  That was the plan.

I should probably be thankful that I'm not waking up to numbers over 300.  But if I wait a week it will probably happen.


Unknown said...


I would suggest you ask ur doc to increase the metformin to two tabs a day....that way you'll have extras whem u need them! Glad u r feeling somewhat better!!!


PJ said...

A couple of weeks ago I had my prescription upped to handle the periods when I'm on prednisone. Today I sent him an email about the spike in blood sugars when I'm not on prednisone.