Friday, May 14, 2010

something of a trial

I was really tired today.  This week took it out of me and I ended up working on a project all day that had to be done today.

Am I sick, or unintentionally masochistic?  Maybe both?

But better to do it at home rather than at the office.

I got a call from the folks managing the clinical trial and I am in arm A which is simply the oral drug.  At least I only have one set of side effects to deal with. I visit the doctor on Wednesday and pick up my drugs.

Another name for lenalidomide is revlimid which I think sounds so much less like thalidomide.   It is described on some miscellaneous web page as:  "immunomodulatory agent," and an "antiangiogenic agent".  Just what that means is beyond me.  

Naturally I Googled and this is the first web page I found: Chemo Care.

That is a pretty scary web page.  The side effects sound a lot like the ones I've had from the infusions except I might have a clot or bleed to death.

FYI: Revlimid

It's good that I'm only on one drug because two might kill me. 

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