Thursday, May 13, 2010

a care free day at work

I got in to work at about 7:25 and left about 11:30.  I had intended to stay the whole day but my body just couldn't take the strain.   So I came home.

This was something of an educational experience. 

I brought some yogurt so that when I got a little nauseated I could have some. It helped a lot.  Plain Greek yogurt which was quite good.   Otherwise it was good not to graze: I started to feel thin again.

I can't tolerate standing and talking to people for long periods of time.  I get tired.  A deep in the joints tired.  Bone tired. Tired.

But when I sat in my chair and worked I did pretty well.  Naturally after being without me for so long my keyboard didn't work right and as I ran off to a meeting a friend of mine fixed up my PC so I could work when I got back.

It was  wonderful to be back among so many friendly faces.  I am loved and what a wonderful thing that is.

It took a while to overcome the tired feeling after I got home.  Mary took me out to pick up some lunch and I ate like a pig.  Foolish me. 

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