Sunday, August 15, 2010

Is it Chemistry, or Stress?

I remember struggling to walk when I was three or four sessions into the R-CHOP infusions.  Sometimes I would walk a block, sometimes two.  When I approached the end of the cycle I would begin to recover and would actually make it up a hill or two and wind up four blocks distance.

My goal would be to make it to Knob Court and back again.  Whether I made it or not, the idea was to try.

I walked it today with no stressing and straining, a brief rest to drink after the first rise, and no extra or painful effort at all.  I was a little surprised that I made it that far that easily.

I also felt a headache coming on as I started my way back. In some ways I am starting to feel normal in the AM but I do get headaches in the PM.  I'm wondering if the headache is sun-related (I forgot to put a hat on); because of the physical stress of the walk or the fact that it is just that time of day?

Well this is good progress and I am looking forward to more walks as the weather cools off. 

And it will be nice when the headaches go away.

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