Thursday, August 19, 2010

another day for that delightful state of mind

Although I actually did get some work done today (and spent some hobby time with my favorite Linux box) I had at least several hours of pleasant incapacity sometime around noon.   My guess is that it's late in the week and although I didn't walk far today I'm not able to sustain peak periods very long.   They wear on me over a period of days; where if I were well it would just be hours.

So I was probably just tired.  Mary took me to get some lunch and later I got busy again.  But while I was out I didn't have to think about any of the details that I normally do.

I am almost back to feeling normal - at least during the day.  If I focus on typing (like now) in the evening I just develop a  headache.  Reading isn't quite so bad.

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