Thursday, March 18, 2010

here we are again and it is almost Friday

I am doing reasonably well, but Fess Parker (Davy Crockett) died today which made me think of how comfortable a coon skin cap would be right now.  

In my size, not the size of the one I had as a child.

Reminds me of all the summers our family spent at a small tar paper shack on a very back road in farming country seven miles from the nearest small town.  Not a care in the world and healthy.

I will spare you a list of my discomforts, but suffice it to say that this time they are intestinal in nature.

There was a meal of  some green chilies mixed in with some pasta Alfredo a day or so ago, and it will be going out the other end soon.

I do not have happy thoughts about that.

My walk was not that long today, and I think I want to go to bed early tonight.  Maybe I should sleep late tomorrow.

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