Monday, June 25, 2012

Well, It Does Seem

It seems the headache gets better, and then comes back again.  It came back at the usual time today, but not as bad as usual.

Tomorrow I give up the Meloxicam and take up the Diclofenac when the headaches strike. 

When you have a symptom, it's hard to tell if it's from the drugs for something else.  I've had sinus headache today, and now for that matter, but is it a drug symptom?  Feeling nauseated off and on and my stomach seems easily upset.  That could easily be the Zonisamide.

Actually, the lack of appetite from Zonisamide would be a good thing for me, I might lose weight. I've been a little paunchy since the chemo.

Oddly, I've been on a low carbohydrate diet because Mary's doctor read her the riot act about her eating habits.  My blood sugars have dropped from 150 in the AM to 112 and once a few days ago 101.   Mary's are coming down too.  Good for us!

I got up at 4:50 this morning when a cat decided to wake me up, and didn't go back under the covers at all so I am very tired now, and not feeling so well either.

So good night.

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