Sunday, June 3, 2012

A little Zantac will do Ya

Yup, the Aleve makes me sick even in small doses.  All though the night.  Of course last time I felt nauseated like this (aside from chemo) was when my liver was on the fritz in about 1983.

And was forced to stop drinking alcohol.  Obviously a blessing in disguise.

I've started to take Zantac on a regular basis.  AM and PM 150 mg dosage.  This is working so far.  I'm also taking one Aleve in the AM and one in the PM.  I don't want to push my luck, but it seems to be working.

The Aleve seems to take more of the edge off now, but I medicate more with the Skelaxin too.

My neck still makes funny noises when I move it in some unusual way, but it's not as loud.

So I am doing OK.

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