Monday, July 12, 2010

is my feeling crappy a side effect?

The last day I took revlimid was last Tuesday -  but I've had a certain lassitude today and I don't feel so well at the moment.   For a couple of minutes I thought maybe flu like symptoms means I caught something and it's taken a few days for my body to go postal with it.

But after a brief thought (because too much thought would just hurt) I think it's just another silly little side effect.

I'm wondering if it isn't a withdrawal symptom from not having the drug for almost a week which would mean that I'm addicted to revlimid.  Does that mean I'm addicted to a dangerous drug?

Is that silly, or justifiable insanity?

Mary want's me to not work tomorrow and just rest.  I think I may need to.

PS the rash is improving.

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