Wednesday, July 14, 2010

have my little friends come back to me?

Like so many things in the world pain and nausea can be interpreted so many ways it is impossible to say for certain what causes them.  Whatever I think doesn't mean a lot without the proper medical opinion to back it up.

Then action follows if action is possible.

So if I am having headache along with some nausea it may or may not be a new growth of so many little friends.  I should say new friends; the old friends are dead.

Those little blighters who kept me up with headache and neck pain and had to be biopsied to determine exactly who they were and how to kill them.  They may have left little seeds to grow in the garden of my body again.

The nurse I talked to today thought it was a blood sugar issue because I had a really bad headache this morning.  She thinks overnight blood sugar are a good possibility because it's a long time between dinner and breakfast.

Its a reasonable suspicion and one that I can test for over the course of the next several days.

My oncologist says that since I've been feeling this way for days it's probably not low blood sugar.

He wants me to notify him if the pain and nausea worsens.  Or see where it is when I see him next on August 9th.

Since I've been wrong about such things in the past I will hold my opinion until it's confirmed with some test.  It's nice to know that if the pain gets bad enough there will be tests.

And a CT scan on August 6th in any case.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phil I'll pray that it's a case of blood sugar and no friends, little or not, old or new.

Pat (your s.i.l)