As you may have noticed from my blog posts I have an infected eye.
Wonderful you say but how did I manage that?
Well, my eye gets dry in the evening like a dehydrated alcoholic and crusts over after I go to bed. I have difficulty pulling the lids apart in the morning. Although Visine drops in the evening prevents the worst of the dryness, my eye is red and mean looking. I believe it is called "pink eye".
This all started sometime in my last or second to the last R-CHOP infusion (think dehydration and punk immune system) and I thought that it would go away. And it did come and go and if I didn't bother to pull back the lid of my eye I wouldn't notice it so much.
But it was still there and diseased.
My eye managed to get better while I was on Acyclovir for my other condition: a rash and painful skin irritation (not in the same spots). But it came back.
So Friday I decided to call up for an appointment at my doctors office and saw another doctor and am now taking 5 400 mg tablets a day (I had been taking 3 on the last go round). I also was prescribed anti-bacterial eye drops that I take every few hours.
I have an appointment with an ophthalmologist for Monday.
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