Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Well, sometimes it hurts a little

After coming off the Skelaxin (that muscle relaxant that I need for my neck)  several days ago, my mood is improving.

When I flossed my teeth yesterday, I could taste the mint. I've noticed my sense of taste and smell being more sensitive to other things as well.  

I do still feel the occasional twinge or twitch of the long muscle on the right side of the back of my neck, pain at the back of the skull where the big neck muscles are attached.

It is as though I were recovering from an injury to the back of my head and a soreness around the spine at the top of the neck where it abuts the skull.

The various pains and sensations come and go; and don't seem to last very long.

The tumor has been gone close to two years, you'd think the soreness would be gone by now. But then my healing abilities have been retarded most of that time recovering from the various anti-cancer drugs.

The tumor was in there and painful for a solid six months or more.

I am thinking the Skelaxin affected my mood, helped with the stiffness in my neck muscles and masked the pain in my neck tissues. 

I will see how well I can tolerate the pain; it may be worth the upswing in my mood.

I actually feel happy now which I haven't felt in a long time.  I feel like some binding has been taken off of my psyche and I'm a bit more emotionally sensitive.  

I look out the window and see the sunlight on the pine trees and the lawn and I feel wonderful.  Not really euphoric (like how the Revlimid made me feel) just enjoying a very nice spring day.

Of course it actually is a nice day. 

I should savor this, I haven't felt this good in a while. 

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