Thursday, December 23, 2010

Oh! How I love the Pain!

It has been a fun week. 

I saw my family doctor Monday, and had a cavity filled by my dentist on Tuesday.  These experiences have been kinder to me than some other things I've had to experience in the last year.

Since I have been paying attention to my neck problem,  I've been feeling far less pain.  I take regular doses of Skelaxin.  It is because the little scrunched nerves all up and down my neck tighten up my muscles and cause them to spasm. 

And if I just ignore it, it will get worse.  And eventually feels like serious pain.  But it takes a while to get to the really bad pain so I have plenty of time to get a little something to take the pain away.

This morning I was unable to go back to sleep after waking up at 5:00 but my neck wasn't nearly as bad as it was when I had done nothing for it a couple of weeks ago.   I had taken some muscle relaxant and Aleve before going to bed and that was good for most of the night.  It would have lasted the whole night if I hadn't gotten up.

I'm pretty oblivious when I'm asleep.

I've informed my doctor that I'm in the process of making an appointment to see a neurologist and will see a physical therapist after that.  

My doctor wants me to get into physical therapy  and in our conversations has implied that I will need much less Skelaxin in the future.   He then described a device for stretching my neck to get a little space for my nerves between my somewhat compressed vertebra.

For some reason an image of a medieval torture device came to mind - modernized with upgraded leather straps and fine aluminum bracers.

The device he described fits around the neck and pulls the head - excuse me, my head, up to stretch the neck.

Will it really do any good?

I would just like to drug myself into oblivion but I doubt that those drugs will be prescribed.

I think the most serious pain med I will be getting for this pain is Advil.  With the help of a little muscle relaxant.  

Such is life.   Pain relief is not recreational.  But it is a pain.

1 comment:

Janie said...

Hey there Uncle, hope you're feeling better. How were your holidays? Your neck problems sound painful. Ouch. Maybe the neck stretcher contraption will help. Say hi to Aunt M. It's good to get out and about if you can. That always helps. Take care.
