Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Note About Headeaches and Such

I have the funniest kinds of painful/tactile feelings in my head and neck and I'm not sure what to think.  Is this the usual bullshit my neck gives me because of the stenosis and the dead tumor, or is it a problem?

I have been away from tumor-ville since spring of 2010 as noted in a number of PET/CT and later just CT scans.  And I have been off drug treatment for over a year.

I should be fine, the way the drugs worked on the cancer, I should be low risk.

But every now and then I have a new sensation in my neck.  The tissues that were hurt by the old tumor just below my skull on the right hand side of the back of my neck bother me.  They still feel sore. 

If I don't take some Skelaxin or more recently, some Skelaxin with Advil I get a headache; and it doesn't just go away with a little time.  It gets worse.

When I do take some Skelaxin, I sometimes feel strange tactile sensations that wrap around both sides of the top of my head. 

Most of the time it's just the neck muscles, and I'm really not worried about them, they've been acting up since the second Revlimid cycle over a year ago.  It is that feeling that there is pressure somewhere in there, right under the back of my skull, or in my skull. That's what has me a little skittish.

Today, while driving to get some groceries, I had what I can only describe as a ghost tumor sensation under some of the muscles in the back right upper quadrant of my neck.  It felt strange and then went away.

My headaches also get worse if I am under stress or if I spend too much time doing computer related work; they simply confuse things.

PS: I am scheduled to be PET/CT scanned in January and we will see then if this is my cancer come back or simply my very messed up neck. 

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