Today's walk was all the way up to Landerwood Drive which is two longish blocks farther than Knob Court which is how far I usually walk. The walk back was a bit more effort as some hill work was involved.
I had no chest discomfort in hiking up those hills even though I did not stop or slow down. I haven't gone that far in quite some time, so I feel that this is an accomplishment. Or a good sign.
Those leg exercises have been helpful.
I was having some neck/head pain this morning so I took a Skelaxin and two Aleve which eventually kicked in. It's just mild neck muscle discomfort now that comes and goes. I'm thinking I will never be free of this.
On a lighter note, Mary has been reviewing my "My Secret Lymphoma" book and has suggested that I include more about what went on at work when this was going on and maybe I need to tell the prospective reader more about how I made the transition from working at the office to working at home.
More to do on that. Not so close to completion after all.
I've downloaded kindle software to my PC to check the formatting after I convert my word document to the kindle eBook format. Kindle eBooks are readable on an iPad, iPhone, Mac and of course on Windows (which is where I keep my collection).
I thought I was so close to being done, but it has to be complete before I publish it.
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