Saturday, September 22, 2012

Alive and Well Living the Dream Sort of

This week was better than last.  No memorials to attend.

I'm still in remission, still having headaches and I have noticed that even without coffee, I'm wired.

Maybe it's just me.

I had a Skelaxin about 9:30 AM (a few hours ago) and maybe my body is reacting to it.  There is a muscle that comes up the back of my neck on the right side that leads to a headache at the top of my head.

I frequently have headaches across the top of my head.  As though I had struck it with some low hanging object.  Front to back, just on the right side. Just above the forehead.

It's annoying, maybe it will go away if I take a nap.

Personally, I think these headaches are the result of the upper body work out that I've been giving myself.  I've been using the bench press machine (last Thursday) to work my shoulders without working the parts of my spine right at the base of my neck.

I suspect that working those muscles puts a strain on the neck muscles. And thus the headaches days later.

Other machines have caused different neck issues. Like a kind of stiffness and discomfort right at the juncture of my neck and my back.  I leave those machines alone.

I will be having a treatment sleep study in October.  I guess I get to try on different CPAP machines.  Not looking forward to that, but I might heal faster afterward.

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