Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wasting Away Again in Diarrheaville

I had a blood sugar of 124 this morning; and after breakfast had a session to purge my insides of all good things.

Thank goodness I haven't vomited yet.

I wonder if the food gets digested before it is dumped?

I looked in the mirror hatless and found Jean-Luc Picard looking back at me. Strange.

I took my last prednisone this morning and will see how much it makes my blood sugar go up. I had two 500 mg tablets during breakfast, and my blood sugar has been stable so far. Of course that was several hours ago. I have since eaten again. I find it interesting that in order to keep my stomach from feeling too bad, I have to eat.

And while I'm going through this misery and looking in the mirror at Jean-Luc Picard more than me (he was bald, remember) I am having moments where I think of the beach and how much fun it will be to go there this coming summer.

Maybe I can convince my doctor to up my metformin prescription so I can eat like a pig when I'm there.

Early this afternoon I had a spike in blood sugar to 348 and it lasted an hour before it came down to 328 after I ate enough to take some metformin.

I had formerly kept my diabetes under control by eating fats and proteins and occasionally other things but not that often; and taking one 500 mg tablet of metformin in the evening. Prednisone threw that all out the window and I am now trying to control my blood sugars by taking 3-4 metformin a day and it is not working very well.

I will be calling my doctor and talking to him about my prescription tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I find Jean-Luc Picard VERY attractive.

So there. I know you miss your hair and probably could give a rat's a$$ about how you look, considering how you feel. Maybe you'll get use to it in time.

Hope tomorrow is a better day.


Kim P

Unknown said...

Looking forward to seeing you at the beach this summer, PJ!

Maybe insulin would help lower/stabilize the blood sugar.


Anonymous said...

The need to eat to soothe your stomach sounds very much like morning sickness (I had it all day for about 7 months when I was pregnant with Cory, and I remember that awful feeling).

And I agree, Jean-Luc Picard is great!

Love, Pat