Today was the first good day: no nausea in the morning; although I did have the single bout of diarrhea; a beautiful day outside and we were able to open the windows. I put in almost a full day of work and had some success in my projects.
My blood sugars were much lower today: 114 early in the AM and after breakfast 115. Around noon I had some onions and raw tomato with cottage cheese and a slice of whole wheat toast and my blood sugars only went up to 170.
I noticed that I had lost more hair and my beard was thinning.
I took the garbage and recycle out to the curb and brought in the mail, and as I walked back to the garage I felt like a weight and darkness had been lifted from me. Since it had been with me for so long, it was a noticeable change. I hope it sticks around.
I would suppose the sunny and warm day might have had something to do with the pleasant feeling.
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