Saturday, April 9, 2011

Something of a milestone

It has been almost a year since my last R-CHOP infusion and I had something of a milestone this week as I was able to walk two blocks further this week on each of my two walks.

Up until now, typically I would walk four blocks and need a lot of recovery time and maybe take an hour to rest.  But I was able to walk six blocks and felt reasonably well afterwards.

This is not to say that recovery is just over the next rise.

Today I did my usual shopping trip after Mary and I took one of the cats to the vet early today and I crashed after the last store.  Nausea, confused thinking and abruptly tired.

I'm at home, I'm resting and feeling better, except for the tired part.  Still tired.

Time to turn of the computer and nap. Cogito, Ergo....  How do you say in Latin, I think therefore I sleep?

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