Sunday, April 24, 2011

Over a year since the last R-CHOP and I'm still fatigued

It is over a year since my being infused with the last R-CHOP chemotherapy - and it successfully eliminated the lymphoma.   Six infusions and three months on a clinical trial with Revlimid and I am still not ready to go back to the office.

I work from home and I still feel fatigued and I have questions about my immune system.

My blood results at the end of February were not encouraging.  My immune system has not crashed, but I wouldn't describe it as robust either.

At this point I'm thinking I'm not going to be over this for a while and perhaps I should simply learn to strategically nap in the afternoon.  Or earlier.

How will I feel when early August rolls around and I will have been off Revlimid for a year?

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