Monday, August 30, 2010

ex post what?

How do you say "after the" as in "after the cancer" in Latin.   I went to an on line dictionary and it basically came back with nothing.  

Ex post pestis?

But I'm not a scholar and I have to come up with some better way to say "what do I do after the cancer?"

I feel like the day is new. Like I just graduated from high school. Like I have to figure out what to do with the rest of my life.

I saw my oncologist today and as I was leaving made an appointment to see him in another three months.  Three months is a wonderful period of time to not see a doctor.  Maybe next time I can wait another three months?

All of the side effects of the revlimid should be over.  I still have a headache, I still tire easily and sometimes I still feel like crap.

But I am cancer free.  What do I do now?

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