Friday, February 8, 2013

Need a Little Air in Here!

I heard back from the sleep clinic, found some interesting (well, distressing) things.  If you remember from back in the summer and fall I had an O2 levels down to 70% for an hour and a half, or an hour on the later sleep study.  The neurologist thought it was the muscle relaxant and the pulmonologist thought it was the anticonvulsant.

I've reduced the anticonvulsant to 50mg and dropped the muscle relaxant completely - and I still have a problem.   Shortly after I fall asleep my O2 level drops to 91% and then about 1:00 in the morning I rolled over unto my back and it dropped to 83% for 77 minutes.

Eight events per hour means my sleep apnea is not severe, but the O2 level, as the doctor said is like high blood pressure - it is deleterious over time.

The doctor I talked to recommended oxygen at night.  Yuck.

We'll have to see about this.

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