Hi I drop in now and again to see how you are doing being diagnosed myself around the same time as yourself with DLBCL. Strangely enough I read your "ghost Pains" comments and thought I may be able to ease your concerns whilst not trying to discount caution. I too had excisional surgery to the neck and over the last 3 weeks i have being getting "phantom pain" in a few areas around the neck area and under the chin. strange aching, stabbing pain that comes and then disappear. I could not feel lumps etc and just thought I would keep an eye on it. My wife noted me feeling my neck and I mentioned these pains. I felt a lot better as my wife too said she had been getting the symptoms also. My wife has had a very light cough but I have had no other symptoms. I began to wonder if this is some low grade infection/cold? Like you I am aware whilst trying to keep grounded. I was glad to hear that the pain is receding. Just thought I would contact you with my findings. All the best for the New Year and looking forward to many more. Bye S Rush wildrossendale.co.uk
I drop in now and again to see how you are doing being diagnosed myself around the same time as yourself with DLBCL. Strangely enough I read your "ghost Pains" comments and thought I may be able to ease your concerns whilst not trying to discount caution. I too had excisional surgery to the neck and over the last 3 weeks i have being getting "phantom pain" in a few areas around the neck area and under the chin. strange aching, stabbing pain that comes and then disappear. I could not feel lumps etc and just thought I would keep an eye on it. My wife noted me feeling my neck and I mentioned these pains. I felt a lot better as my wife too said she had been getting the symptoms also. My wife has had a very light cough but I have had no other symptoms. I began to wonder if this is some low grade infection/cold? Like you I am aware whilst trying to keep grounded. I was glad to hear that the pain is receding. Just thought I would contact you with my findings. All the best for the New Year and looking forward to many more. Bye S Rush wildrossendale.co.uk
Nice to hear from you again, hope you are doing well.
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