I had a physical yesterday with my regular doctor and asked him to help me through the PET scans both from December 28th 2009 and the more recent October 3rd.
I now know about the wreckage of coronary arteries and the sludge in my Aorta which leads me to ask about the places that were not scanned.
Just how gunk-ed up my is brain?.
Is that the real reason that I've become so sloppy in my old age?
My A1C was 7.4 so I need to work on that.
Although I do exercise, if I exercise enough to put a dent in my A1C I will need to spend the rest of my time recovering.
I plan to be avoiding carbohydrate such as the "sausage muffin with egg" that I have become accustomed to at least a couple of times a week. I'm not sure the "sausage" part is good for my lipids either.
It's the stuff that leaves you with that good heavy feeling in the gut that's probably bad for you. After one of those my stomach feels like it has a piece of cast iron in it.
I'm also shrinking. I used to be 6'5" and I am now 6'4". I put that down to all the little pads between my vertebra from the chest up that are no longer at their robust former height.
My lipids are moderately bad and my doctor is thinking of putting me on a Statin if I don't improve in the next three months.
I wonder if my liver could tolerate one of them?
Technically, I'm not sure if I qualify for a prescription of Levitra, but I want one. With all the diabetes, clogged arteries, and cancer treatments, I'm ready for a good time.
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