Saturday, May 1, 2010

a moment to look back on the week

I am lurching toward what is the end of this last cycle and I pricked my finger today to check my blood sugar (which was a bit lower after a walk of several blocks).  I bled more than I thought I should.

It stopped eventually, but normally all I have to do is press it once with the Kleenex and it will stop bleeding.   That was me before chemo.

I have once or twice had a bleeding problem during a chemo cycle.  They talk about low blood platelets but it's almost alarming to have physical evidence of it.

My most serious complaint this week is that I am tired a lot.  Like now. Or when I'm working.  It's why I don't want to go to the store this afternoon.  I don't like to drive tired. 

Although my stomach is sometimes upset, it's good most of the day and only requires drugs at night.

And I keep reminding myself - this does have an end.

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