Monday, August 13, 2012

A little further along.

Well, a lot has and hasn't happened since I last posted.

I had a sleep study done, and since they didn't rush out with a CPAP machine, I'm hopeful that I don't really need one. 

It was, nevertheless a peculiar experience.  Let me say that I don't enjoy sleeping all wired up, and the glue in the hair does not come out for a number of days.  I don't like having an oxygen helper tube taped to my face either.

I took enough drugs to make sure I fell asleep, and woke up early.  I was uncomfortable.

It's over, thank goodness.

Otherwise, the headaches (or the lack of headaches) are getting progressively better.  The Zonisamide is working (took it long enough) I was on a full 200mg/day dose for about 2 weeks when the nausea and lack of ability to concentrate got to me and I dropped it down to 150mg/day. 

That seems to work. 

I have headaches late in the day, sometimes late in the afternoon and not much at that.  I'm also more relaxed. 

Great not being wired.

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