Monday, February 24, 2014

Drats my Gerd Catches in my Throat and Chokes Me!


The ENT (UNC Hospitals) strongly suggested LPR about a year ago; but I posted a note about it on my “my secret lymphoma” blog in January 2013.   I commented to a neurologist (UNC Hospitals) about my difficulty breathing in the evening after a full meal and she said that it was probably GERD (Whereupon I tried that most ineffective of solutions: OTC Prilosec X2 – which didn’t relieve the problem). 

ENT tried Zantac 150mg/day which also didn’t work.

Sore throat especially when I eat eggs/meat/nuts/cheese.  It doesn’t have to be much.

Clearing throat (a lot) and difficult to breathe after full meal; sometimes very difficult to breathe; Also light headed, Throat dry evenutally after full meal. 

Full can be a good sized banana or a not good sized bowl of macaroni.

Chest muscles get tired.  Also may be related:  Sinus issue – stuffed up.

My coughing is driving my wife nuts.

If I keep my meal small with only a small protein and fat content the symptoms go away.  But I can get hungry which is something of a problem.

Feeling better in the AM and then either sore throat or throat clearing and breathing problems only happen after a meal with a bit too much food (which is not that much).

I lost weight & it got much better; but only gradually.

Diarrhea/Sensitive Stomach:

I’ve had a sensitive stomach and diarrhea since January 7th for sure; much earlier (by months) sensitivity to fatty meats as deli hamburger.  Gets better when I don't eat; just eat pasta, banana, some nuts and some white sauce with pasta; barley, oatmeal.  I eat frozen blackberries, sometimes with yogurt.

If I stick to the non-fried non-fatty meat I don’t have the nausea in the AM and sense that I should not eat in the AM like I used to.

Meat doesn’t seem to bother me as long as it’s not fried.  But I’ve only tried some meats like chicken and fish.  I am using my frying pan as a poaching pan.

I have more gas than usual; especially when I eat vegetables. Fried food in particular gives me diarrhea even after the diarrhea seems to have gone away.