A few weeks ago, I noticed when I was rummaging around in the Master Bath at 3:00 in the morning I was able to see straight. I took this to be an optical illusion.
Two weeks ago, as I was getting some socks out of a drawer and I noticed that I was only seeing one dresser and one drawer. I brushed it off as an effect of the lighting and the fact that I was still asleep.
Later that week and last week I noticed real improvement in the morning. I took the prism off my computer glasses and was once again able to see typed letters clearly.
I took the 5 diopter right prism off my distance glasses. I was able to drive pretty well and able to see much more clearly than when I had a 20 on the left lens and a 5 on the right.
Monday I visited my neuro-opthalmologist and had my distance prism reduced to an eight.
When he had measured my eyes last time on May 23rd 30 diopters were required to correct my eyes.
My eyes are better later and later in the day. It's a little past noon and when I look out the window that the tall trees across the road I see them clearly without any special prisms on my glasses.
My Diplopia seems to be vanishing. It will be time for the beach in a few weeks and I will be able to drive some of the way there. Wonderful!